If you have a gamer tag/whatever else for a specific console n' whatnot that you would like to share with Gamer's Refuge, this would be the place to do it! How this thread will work is you'll respond in this thread with any kind of gamer tag/whatever you use & I or one of the moderators(when I get some,
) will delete your post & update this part of the thread. Just follow the Format Below(It's in the works.) & add any i'm missing.
N/A stands for Not applicable.
Most Common Gaming User Name:
Most Frequented Games:(Pick only your top three.)
Favorite Game Type:(RPG,Action,Turn-based,ETC.)
Wii Friend Codes:(If you don't have a wii or wii friend codes just say n/a. If you have more then one, just list the one you use most & list that game in the Most Frequented Games section first.)
Xbox Live GamerTag:(If you dont have a Xbox live Gamertag just say n/a)
DS Friend Codes:(If you don't have any, just say n/a)
Additional Information:(Anything else you feel like mentioning.)
-Forum Name-----------MCGUN-------------------MFQ------------------FGT------------WFC--------------XLG--------Foehammer51
Knight of Sym
_______SSBB, TOS, GS:TLA
Forum Name-------------------------------------------------------Additional InformationKnight of Symphonia
__________ NDS Friend Codes: PokeMysDng:EOT-1204-2038-2111