If you're interested in helping bring more people into the forum, here are my suggestions on how you can help!
First of all, & this is a very simple one. You join, invite two of your friends & if they join and invite two of their friends the board can be VERY populated very quickly. Let's say. 10 members do this. 10x2=20. 10+20=30. Already at 30 members. Now let's say those 30 members invite two of their friends. 30x2=60. 60+30=90. At 90 members!.. and so on and so forth, you get where i'm going with this. Bring a friend. Bring two friends, heck. Bring three friends. Everyone's welcome here!
My 2nd suggestion.. is to stop by our blog which you can find the link to in my signature & make sure to comment & give feedback on how much you like the forum. Yeah, I know it's new but you can still comment on it & when I start promoting my blog people will see all these great comments & just have to stop by & take a look for themselves & possibly stick around!
I also recommend making your own blog to talk about your own personal gaming stuff & to mention Gamer's Refuge every now and then & give a link for people to check out.
My next suggestion is to make sure to stop by any Social bookmarking site you can and send our board link (https://gamersrefuge.forumotion.com/portal.htm) to it & give your own little description about it. You can read about what they are
here and find a fairly good amount of them to stop by and send the link into. Make sure to do a search first as someone may have already posted about it & if that's the case make sure to vote it up. The more vote's up the more traffic it will bring which means more potential members to Gamer's Refuge! Thanks if you do! =)
Foouuurth Suggestion would be to write a review about Gamer's Refuge on any review sites you may come in contact with & make sure to link to us. If you're able to post a review, and it can be about anything. Preferably good one's but of course, you're entitled to your opinion. Keep in mind, this is a new forum & still in the works.
A fiiiifth Suggestion would be if you're a part of any networking groups on a given site(myspace, facebook, etc.) about gaming to maybe make a "subtle" discussion about Gamer's Refuge & talk about it for a bit. Please don't post the link but if anyone PM's you requesting it, go for it. Try not to spam it. Spamming only gives us a bad rep.
Siiiixtthh suggesttionn is an awfully simple one. Stop by the suggestion box & suggest things that would be more appealing to gamer's of all sorts. Such as a specific banner that might be appealing, a certain new board to be added. ETC. As this is a kind of little one i'll also add in to this suggestion.. which makes this more two suggestions then one.. if you see a board that's up that seem's kind of desolate write a thread or two(Don't just make a thread if you don't have anything to say..) or respond to some threads that may be in that board. Liven it up. The more lively the sections/threads the more of an audience we should be able to hit & the more likely someone will find an interesting thread that they like while just surfing and will be more willing to consider joining that way.
***edit, updated as of November 11th, 2008.***
Aha. Any suggestions for additions would be great. Just send me a PM!